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Welcome to the launch of KINGART’s blog! This is a place to connect and share from novice to professional. For more than half a century we have been driven by a singular goal - to design and create exceptional art supplies that exceed the needs of the most demanding artist. We delight in challenging the status quo and delivering exciting products that will entice the artist in you.


On our website we ask you, “What did you create today?” KINGART really wants to know and we want to share your creations. Here’s all you have to do:

*share a photo of your creation

*it MUST be your original design

*it MUST have used a KINGART product

*tell us which KINGART product you used and how it helped you

*your city and state

*share and tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @kingartcompany, or Pinterest @kingartco


Creativity touches all lives and all types of work—from the sculptor to the gardener, from the painter to those who love to cook, from the photographer to the CEO of a large company. If you are living your life creatively, this energy flows throughout all you do and in turn your life flows through your work. Discovering and using this energy in your artistic endeavors will spark new ideas and techniques. Your work will reach out to the world for you have reached deep inside yourself and given the world a glimpse of YOU.

In this blog and in following blogs, let’s talk about creativity using five words: play, passion, flow, focus, and risk. “People do not quit playing because they grow old. They grow old because they quit playing.” (Oliver Wendell Holmes) The ability to play is vital to creativity. It relaxes the mind and promotes curiosity, imagination, day dreaming and a willingness to try anything. It helps us approach ideas without fear of mistakes, failure, or judgement! This is where you reach outside the box to let your mind go beyond what may be your normal boundaries.

Speaking of boxes—do you have a toy box? It’s a great way include some play in your planning. When working on a project throw all types of reference material from photographs (your own or copyright cleared) to color scheme inspiration like material or paper, to pieces of paper with thoughts and ideas in a tub. The best advantage is at least you know where everything is! Then you can sit with your “toy box” and create a stunning work of art!

Working on creativity not only enhances your art work but enriches your entire life. So play, be a child again, blow bubbles if you like. Spread out your art materials and just play—you may be surprised at what happens. Here are a couple of exercises for you to try.

  1. Let’s “brainstorm” about Christmas. Quickly, without judgement or second guessing, write down all the words that come to your mind concerning Christmas—from colors to objects to emotions. Now examine your long list. Undoubtedly you can find inspiration for a painting or drawing—a work of art. (This is fun to do as a group as well)

  2. Answer these 4 questions to “get to know” your own creative self.

  • What motivates you to take on a creative challenge?

  • What is your most creative environment?

  • What is your most productive time of the day?

  • What outside influences affect your creativity?

Try using a journal. KINGART’S MIXED MEDIA PAD 11X14 with heavy weight paper and fine texture is perfect for multimedia use. Dry media will be excellent and you can use watercolor and acrylic as well. Use it in a traditional manner for sketching and recording ideas for future projects or try using some of it for your work on creativity. Using our first word “PLAY”, use the left side of the open journal for the left side of your brain and write down words or thoughts about PLAY. Now use the right side of the open journal for the right side of your brain and create an image that says PLAY to you. Don’t be serious, use any and all art materials you have—pens, markers, papers, paint and more. Do not allow yourself much time (10 minutes)—maybe set a timer. Have fun and refresh yourself! This is not supposed to be a museum quality creation!

Here is one of my favorite quotes by Adriana Diaz in Freeing the Creative Spirit: “Remember that you are not creating in order to produce a product and that you are one of the mysteries of the universe continually unfolding and revealing itself out of darkness. Creativity is the real magic of our universe. It is the shape of our courage and the force of our souls.”

This statement from Adriana Diaz is so important since as artists we so often get locked up in the seriousness of composition, values, colors, shapes, etc. that we forget to PLAY and instead produce a product.

Let us know what you think—contact us

KINGART FEATURED PRODUCT—if you are looking for a great brush for watercolor or acrylic even oils, the Original Gold 920 Series Golden Talon Max Brush is for you! The max round shape is longer and leaner with an excellent point when comparing it to a standard round shape brush. This brush holds a large amount of pigment and water with a “fat-belly” brush head. The fluids flow smoothly and consistently from the belly of the brush to the tip. You can create a fine line or increase your pressure and it will act like a traditional round. Paint will need to be thinned with water or a medium to a proper consistency—a rich ink. Properly carried for the sharp point will last. Less reloading for great line work and details!


TIPS: Looking for something different and a way to increase your exposure—check out Art-O-Mat at and on FB. It’s an intriguing idea that takes old cigarette machines and revamps them to dispense small works of art.

Heads up to dedicated to helping artist market their work. Upcoming online competition “All Women”—deadline Dec. 27th. Check it out!

Until the next blog—stay in touch through social media and the KINGART web site!


Previous article Creative Connections: Passion and Flow
Next article The KINGART™ Story


D.S.Owens - June 9, 2020

Mary is not only an excellent painter, but a terrific writer!
Art is not what we see, it’s what you make other people see!

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