No Rules. Just Art.
No Rules. Just Art.
Feel like experimenting—finding a different way to create and evaluate your art work? Harmony/balance is one of the principles of designing. It is also the goal of Feng Shui. When we were building our new home in SC, I decided...
I have heard over and over from judges and workshop teachers that a painting or work of art needs to “tell a story”. I keep asking myself, “exactly what kind of story?” Now if I paint people walking on the...
I’m glad you’re here to spark your creativity! For the last two issues of our ArtSpeak blog we have been exploring our creative connections—finding our best creative selves. If you missed the first two parts of the Creative Connections series,...
Our “ART SPEAK” blog has been discussing creativity. Creativity can mean to arrange old into new forms, give birth to a new realism, or a new way of thinking, acting, and behaving. Our Creative Connections series is delving into creativity...
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